Sunday, June 9, 2013

Willing Workers

We've been picking away at our garden projects this spring.  One day after school as I was spreading organic soil amendments on the vegetable garden site and planting some flowers around school, Samantha offered her help.  'Sure!' I replied enthusiastically.  Sam eagerly and proficiently helped me at each task, running in to ask her mom if she could accompany me to the next job.  She was a BIG help!  It always amazes me how eager the kids at NCCS are to help with gardening.  They are so genuinely interested and so willing to work.  Thanks Sam!

 We've had great help from parents as well.  Thanks to helpful hands the entire flower plot is now planted and starting to bloom.  It's been great to get to know other parents in the garden.  If you'd like to help this summer, please contact me and I will send you updates on group workdays.
Thanks to all you great volunteers!