Natural Playscape & Learning Gardens

The natural playscape is a massive area consisting of many features drawn from the natural world.  We are excited to integrate gardens into the playscape so that students can explore the natural world right in their school's backyard.  Garden areas will include vegetable gardens to be used for garden projects through the year, flower gardens, sensory gardens and other fun children's gardens for the kids to experience through play. 
Sunflower teepee in the playscape at NCCS opening day 2012

The Value of Natural Playscapes
A natural playscape is a way to use the natural world as another "teacher" for our kids.  Students will learn as they explore, create, observe, reflect, play, challenge themselves, and more through this rich 'Outdoor Classroom'.  There is much being written these days about the dire consequences of the growing disconnect from nature among American children, and NCCS is hoping to do something about this. Outdoor Classrooms have incredible benefits: cultivating a sense of wonder and life-long love of nature; environmental awareness and stewardship; promoting creativity and resourcefulness; improving concentration and mindfulness; increasing math and science skills through problem-solving, manipulation of natural materials, observation and experimentation; enhancing fine and gross motor skills including balance, coordination, and agility; improving physical fitness through active play, providing inspiration for artistic expression, and providing excellent opportunities for practicing social skills!